Advanced plasma technology marks a new millennium in the global wood market
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Development of various plasma application technologies, 'green enterpr…

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Author PACEP CommentsComments 0 ViewsViews 563 DateDate 20-10-27 09:31


PACEP Co., Ltd. is a company that aims to become a global company in eco-friendly business in various fields, including energy environment based on basic science and advanced technology, plasma technology, in the fourth industrial revolution.

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Head Office : 130-50, Palgoe-ro, Yeongwol-eup, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do
                   (Yeongwol No.3 Agricultural and Industrial Complex), Republic of Korea
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Branch Office: 77, Gongdan3-ro, Donghae-si, Ganwod-do, Republic of Korea
Tel. +82)33-373-1349H.P. +82)10-5643-1349Fax. +82)33-372-1349|